Discover the Credit Line Hybrid

Introducing the Credit Line Hybrid, an innovative funding solution crafted to secure financing for our clients solely based on their creditworthiness. Unlike traditional lenders, our approach removes the need for demanding prerequisites like financials, bank statements, business plans, and resumes. Experience a program that closely resembles a “no-documentation” initiative in the world of business funding. What’s even more remarkable is that you can gain approval with introductory rates as low as 0%, making this program exceptionally favorable in terms of financing.

Key Highlights of the Harvard Credit Solutions
Credit Line Hybrid

Approval Amount

Up to $150,000



Credit Quality


Income & Assets


See what you qualify for today

How Does It Work?


Complete a Form

Or a personalized consultation with our representative.


Submit your Application

With a soft pull on your credit.


Obtain Pre-qualification

In just 24 hours.


Meet Loans Advisors

Receive guidance on approval status and potential.

Essential Documentation
for Smooth Processing

Obtain 24-hour pre-approval.

Benefit from 0% interest for 6-18 months.

Utilize business credit to aid in qualification.

Experience unmatched flexibility. Use the funds for your business needs.

Even startups can qualify for this exceptional program.

Opportunity to use a credit partner for qualification, if required.

Even startups can qualify for this exceptional program.

Embrace a truly NO DOC financing program.

No upfront application fees.

Navigate from application to funding in a span of 3 weeks or less.

Credit approvals extending up to $150,000 per individual.

No collateral demands.

Contribute to building or enhancing your business credit score.

Contribute to building or enhancing your business credit score.

Are you Eligible?

Credit Score Excellence

Maintain an impressive credit score of 700 or higher across all three major consumer credit bureaus.

Strategic Account Openings

Limit the number of unsecured accounts you've opened within the last 12 months to a maximum of 3, demonstrating financial responsibility.

Credit Card History

Possess a robust credit card history by holding a minimum of 2 open Credit Cards, each with a history of at least 2 years. One of these cards should be a primary card with a minimum limit of $5,000 or more.

Inquiry Management

Manage your credit inquiries wisely by keeping the number of inquiries per bureau in the last 12 months to no more than 4. Please note that secured inquiries like auto loans or mortgages are excluded from this count.

Timely Payments

Uphold a record of financial discipline by ensuring no late payments within the last 2 years and having no accounts that have been charged off.

Bankruptcy-Free History

Maintain a clean credit history by having no instances of bankruptcy.

Balanced Account Utilization

Keep your revolving account utilization below 40%, showcasing responsible credit utilization habits.

Collections, Liens, and Judgments

Verify that your credit report is free from open (unpaid) collections, liens, or judgments.

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See what you qualify for today